Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Wolf Club

Olivia's teacher sent an email saying that the Wolf Club, a group of first and second graders who gather on Mondays to discuss wolves during recess, was looking for help gathering crafts for the craft fair. I said to Olivia, "Did you know there's a wolf club in your class." She looked at me and said, "Yeah, I'm in it!" So, note to self, I do not know everything that is happening in her life. We created necklaces to sell that feature her drawings of wolves: 

So proud of her. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2015 - A Year in the Life

Here's a short movie I made using the app 1 Second Every Day. I didn't actually manage to capture every day of 2015, and most clips are longer than one second, but you get the idea.