Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2 years and 1 month (officially)!

We're having lots of fun around here--being two is pretty exciting for Ms. Olivia. She's talking and singing a lot. Sometimes the clarity of her words surprises me. The other day she hugged a book and said, "This is a wonderful book." She's also entered into a new phase of playing where she's interacting with her playthings in imaginative ways. We discovered this while at Child's Play toy store when we found Olivia at the Calico Critters table putting the tiny plastic hedgehogs to bed with their blankets. (The utter cuteness of the scene required us to lay down $40 for a set of tiny furniture and critters to bring home, as seen above.) Last night, I was surprised when she said, "Mommy, I'm a circle." That turned into a whole other game where we turned into triangles, squares, and lions. Lions always turn up in our games somehow.

Other favorite activities: creating forts by draping a sheet over the ottoman or just sitting under a table, stacking her blocks and knocking them down, taking all of her magnetic letters off the board and then putting them all back on, playing hide and seek (she just stands in the other room in full view believing that she's invisible to us), reading, and singing.

Of course she's loving her "Finding Nemo" movie as well as "Shaun the Sheep" and "Super Why." We're trying to keep TV time to a maximum of 90 minutes a day, which usually translates to "Sesame Street" in the morning and 20-30 minutes of a movie before bed. She also plays while I watch Oprah, but that doesn't count. :) Sometimes we catch Dr. Phil if Oprah's a rerun, and when we told her we were going to the doctor yesterday, she kept saying she wanted to see Dr. Phil. Oy.

About that doctor visit, her two-year checkup, Dr. Carol was again very impressed by Olivia's verbal and motor skills and her outgoing nature. She also gave us some tips for our next big adventure: potty training. Oh, boy.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not all sunshine and rainbows

I want Olivia to look back on this blog and know how much her parents love her and adore every single thing about her. That's how I want to remember this time in our lives too. But on a day like today, when I'm so tired my eyes are burning, I think I want to just tell the straight dope. Having a kid is hard. Having a two-year-old is really hard. Olivia's been fighting a cold for almost two weeks now, the kind of cold that includes green snot and wet coughs. I can't even count how many times in the past few days that she's coughed in my face or wiped a booger on my hand.

Last night, she just couldn't keep it together, crying and throwing herself face-first on the floor, so I put her to bed a half hour early and thought some sleep would help. At 1 a.m., she woke up coughing and crying and Chris tried to soothe her. After an hour of her crying, I suggested that we give her some Tylenol and he suggested that I go back to bed, he was handling it. I suggested that he didn't know what he was talking about and that made him suggest that I go to hell. (There's nothing like arguing in the middle of the night. It's comical, really.)

She finally fell asleep in our bed around 2:30 am only to wake again an hour later, crying. She didn't want water, milk, juice, medicine, or even her blankie. Around 4:00 am, we all curled up on the couch and watched a video with cartoon animals riding in wagons. It helped for a little bit but it was clear she was tired. We all were. So I held her, walked around for a bit and then we all got back in bed. I rubbed her little feet and then knew she was asleep when I heard her snore her little snore.

At 7:30 am, she rolled over and put her smiling face right next to mine and said, "Mommy, wook!" and pointed to some shadows on the wall. It was like the night before had never happened.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

That's the number two!

Olivia's Birthday party!