Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Olivia is six!

Olivia is six! Pretty amazing. Here is Olivia at her birthday party on Saturday. Her friends are Signe, Elena and Eva. It was a great party; all of the kids played so hard they were all sweaty and thirsty. Have some pizza and soda and back to the giant play gym. It was cool to have some new kids in the mix as well as parents from MLC. 

As for Miss Olivia, six is pretty cool. She is doing great according to her first kindergarten report. She is working hard with reading and math and also loves making up songs, stories and epic drawings.

The social expectations of kindergarten has been a challenge-- for all of us! There was an issue with some boys being too rough on the playground with her and it was making her upset that they weren't stopping when asked. We encouraged her to tell her teacher and not only did she do that, she also stood up at circle time and reminded all of her classmates about how they should care for eachother and not be too rough. Chris and I were super proud of her. 

Six is the tops!