Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sammy is three!

Sammy turned three on Sunday. He's officially a preschooler and not a baby or toddler anymore. What a sweet little guy he continues to be. Even when he's recreating a ferocious fight between a lion and cheetah, ther comes a time when some critter gets hurt and Sammy nurtures them back to health. He is getting more and more into super heroes, his dad's influence, I am sure: 
He and Olivia play dress up every day and I am so glad he has such a great guide. Olivia has a rich creative vocabulary and helps him cultivate his different "identities" from Spidey to kitty to dead slug. As much as these two fight, there is an equal amount of love. 
Pretty soon it will be time for this little guy to start preschool. BUT, we still have a few weeks left of summer. Here are some of my fave moments with Sammy in a few of the places we've been this summer: 
The zoo train:
Puget Sound:
Ketchikan, Alaska
Whale Pass, Alaska (Grandpa's house)

Love this guy!