Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sammy is 16 months!

Sammy is coming into a super-aware phase. He understands most of what we are saying and if you ask him to bring you something, he knows what you are talking about and will bring that thing. He likes games where we chase him or give him raspberries and kisses. He enjoys growling like a lion and saying "baaa" when asked to make any other animal sound. 

We are also very gently introducing the potty (as illustrated, pants up or down hasn't been discussed). I am preparing myself for a protracted potty training period with him because he is a boy, but I am sure he will catch on. 

Here he is with his favorite book, "Goodnight, Gorilla."
Olivia continues to be a source of much amusement to Sammy: 

Love this kid!

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