Thursday, June 20, 2013

Why are all the girls taking Mommy's makeup?

This is the year of "why" for Olivia. Watching movies together, every scene is punctuated by her questions. "Why is the pony sad?" "Why did she fall through the floor?" "Why is she giving the witch that necklace?" When I get tired of answering questions, my tried and true tactic has been to turn the question around on her. "Why IS the pony sad?" Usually she will provide the answer to her own question, although on one recent occasion her reply was "Mommy knows better." Uh oh.

O's creativity has really blossomed recently. She tells stories, imaginary events involving imaginary friends. Her drawings are amazing. She's developed a very personal style and will spend days on a single theme. This week it's been "Girls Taking their Mommy's Makeup." As you can see below, all of the little girls have taken some lipstick and applied it to their faces.

It's a lipstick riot!
She has also exhibited some pretty remarkable memory skills, reciting entire story books word for word. This also means there can be no more "fudging" the story line on Mommy and Daddy's part for the sake of expedience. She corrects us if we skip a single word.

We love you Olivia. You're growing up to be such a beautiful girl.

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