Monday, October 24, 2011

A Week Away

Olivia and I recently returned from a week-long journey through Tennessee and Kentucky. The original plan was for Alisa to come along, but work and school got in the way and she had to cancel. And so I found myself as Olivia's primary provider and protector through sixteen hours of air travel, four hours of driving and six days worth of visiting with relatives back east.

Flying with a two-year-old is difficult, to say the least. Olivia was not satisfied to sit in her seat for more than ten minutes at a time. Usually this was fine as I could sit her in my lap or walk her down to the restroom. It was when the seatbelt sign was on and I couldn't let her out of her seat that the fun really began. I don't believe I've ever heard a child howl quite as loudly as Olivia did on that plane trip. It was non-stop, blood-boiling rage for what seemed like hours. My dad jumping up to offer gum. My brother getting up, squinting with discomfort, to recommend I check her car seat for the next leg of the flight. The passengers sitting around me closing their eyes and going far, far away inside themselves. Oh, and the flight back was just as bad. All in all, an experience I would sooner forget.

Our time spent in Tennessee by comparison was pure bliss. A quiet cabin in the woods outside Townsend, TN. Entire days spent lazing around in the hot tub. I got to meet a quieter, more self reliant Olivia than I was accustomed to. At home I usually don't get to spend time with her until late afternoon when she's tired and a bit cranky. At the cabin I sat by while she quietly entertained herself with books and drawing for hours. She got to ride a pony, pet puppies and feed goats. I spent almost every moment by her side for five days and we couldn't have been happier.

Here's to spending more time with your kids. I'm already looking forward to our next trip, though i think we may try to avoid air travel this time around.



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