Monday, April 19, 2010


Wow, the little Olivia is 16 months old! Her words are coming fast and furious--so much that we don't even try to keep track of how many words she knows. There are a few words that are extra adorable when she says them, i.e. fish in Olivia-speak sounds like "shishies." Recently she started interacting when we sing songs, first it was just waving her arms around during "Wheels on the Bus" and then she started saying "jelly" during the "Peanut Butter" song. I have a feeling that she'll enjoy singing because it really soothes her. In fact, in the past month, we've gone to Central Oregon twice and that's a long drive and at some point her patience ends. The only way we can calm her is to sing our (very small) repretoire of songs.

Otherwise, she's sweet and cute and loves bouncy balls, blocks, her new xylophone, beads, and going outside.

Pretty much awesome!

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