Yes, it was ambitious. Drive to San Francisco, then to Carmel, and back in five days. With a baby. Sure, why not?
Chris & Olivia in Maxwell, CA, the site of our imaginary cafe in the middle of nowhere.

Olivia in our hotel in San Francisco.

Investigating acorns at a rest stop along the way.

Olivia's new favorite toy, a frog we named Dr. Katz, pondering the parking lot in SF.

At Fisherman's Warf in S.F. Chris is thrilled.

That's Alcatraz behind us.

In Carmel: Olivia, obviously impressed with the grandness of the ocean.

The reason for the trip: The wedding of my step-brother Casey & Lauren.

At the reception at Holman Ranch in Carmel.

The babies.

Olivia & Ava.

And what a wonderful homecoming after a 15-hour drive: my sunflowers bloomed!

Oh, and Olivia's two bottom teeth finally came in! Yeah! So cute.
beautiful beautiful girl... and we're all for road trips! soon she will look at books instead of chewing them, which makes it easier for the parents to fantasize about opening cafes in rural nowheres and such. ;)