Chris and I have always done this parenting thing as a 50/50 proposition. Everything (everything) involving the care of Olivia is divided equally between the two of us, from night wakings to diaper blow-outs, one person is never doing more than his or her share.
The division of labor in our house is not haphazard--no, it's a constantly evolving conversation between us that goes something like this:
Chris: "I need to take a shower every morning."
Me: "Well, if it's my turn to wake up with her at 5:30am, then why don't you shower between 6:00am and 7:00?"
Chris: "Then I'll watch her from 7 to 8 when I go to work."
Alisa: "Except for the days when it's your turn to wake up at 5:30..."
And it goes from there....
This approach really works for us because it's very clear who is in charge of the baby every moment of every day. Well, most days. Weekends are wild cards that can quickly turn into an argument if one of us has a project waiting to be conquered (like the weeds in the yard...).
Equality also means that I give up the rights to the "All-Knowing Giver of the Last Word." I'm not the one in total control, I don't get to have the final say, and I don't get to steamroll over Chris. There are very few Olivia topics that we don't discuss and mull over until we come to a conclusion together (topics not up for discussion: her fashion).
And actually, that is quite refreshing because then I never feel like I'm in this alone.
* I really related to this 2008 article from the NY Times even before we had the baby: "When Mom and Dad Share It All"
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