Monday, December 28, 2009
Not that it should be surprising that we all look alike...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Birthday girl
Wow, a whole year has gone by! It's pretty amazing to think that this time last year we were just hanging out in the hospital room with Melanie, watching Saturday Night Live skits on the computer and waiting for "The Show" to start. Once the contractions started and we all got serious about the impending birth, it was exciting. I wasn't really sure how Chris would react to the birthing experience, I thought maybe I would freak out and yell at him, but I didn't. He was beyond amazing and stayed focused on the task at hand. I was also so happy to have Mel there as well to interpret the medical blah blah blahs and be my cheerleader.
From the moment she was born--no, from the moment I saw her on the sonogram monitor at seven weeks--Olivia had an incredible life force. She wants to live and live large! So, thanks for the lesson, little girl. Happy birthday.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Olivia at 11 months: Her ever changing moods...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Nappin' & sleepin'
I think we may have figured out the whole napping and sleeping issue. The key: a schedule! Using the "positive routine" method, we had a rough idea of when she should be napping and then followed the routine every time to give cues that it was nap time. (Shades drawn, fan on, bottle given...)
It's funny that I can feel so much pride in such a simple thing as a nap! But I do.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Olivia's First Halloween
We had such a great Halloween! We didn't have a plan until the last minute, but we did end up carving pumpkins, buying candy, creating costumes, and going trick-or-treating on Saturday afternoon.
I sewed these little felt ears on Olivia's hat and voila! She's a puppy. Or a piglet.
Chris is dressed as "Oregon Dad":
I just happened to have this lemon yellow 1970s dress. I've never had occasion to wear it until now...
There's that cute crinkle face again:
The gang:
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ten months and beyond!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wow, 10 months today!
I was looking at pictures from the first few days of Olivia's life and it just seems so amazing that there was a time when she slept all day, couldn't keep her head up by herself, and had little noodles for arms and legs! Another thing that has changed is how loving she is; it's probably nature's way of insuring our bond during her teenage years. But for now I relish her wet attempts at kisses and the way she wraps herself around my waist in the morning like a little monkey.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Nine month check-up!
Height: 29 inches (90%)
Weight: 19.5 lbs (50-75%)
Olivia is really crawling fast but mostly likes to stand and cruise along the furniture. Dr. Carol warned us that Olivia will probably be walking by Christmas, which means no candy dishes on coffee tables or low-hanging tree ornaments.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Almost nine months!
Also this month: sleep training! We used a method Chris found called "Positive Routines." Basically, you let the baby get tired by moving the bed time closer to when the baby actually falls asleep (8:30 for Olivia). You then use the night routine of bath and bottle and cuddles to associate those things to being tired and then going to sleep. The goal is to put the baby down while she is still awake but drowsy.
The first night she was out like a light, and we thought, Hey, this is easy! Well, the next night she figured it out and was not as pleased. We had to employ a little crying it out, but it only took 20 minutes or so before she fell asleep. She also slept through the night both nights. A few days into it, she seemed to be getting tired earlier and I didn't feel it was fair to her to keep her up so late, so we moved the bedtime to 8:00 pm and then shaved off ten minutes a night for a few nights.
It seems like it's working well and she's sleeping through the night every night (but waking at 6:00 am SHARP!) and we're back to our previous bedtime of 7:30 pm.
Naptime is not as successful, as her daytime sleep schedule is less predictable and actually quite sporadic. Three mornings in a row she woke up at 6 only to fall back asleep at 8 and sleep for two hours. Other times she sleep for 30 minutes and then is wide awake the rest of the afternoon. It's a mystery.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fun with food
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
San Francisco
Alisa and Olivia on a cable car in San Francisco. Olivia must have made twenty new friends just sitting there and smiling. The world seems like such a friendly place when we're traveling with her.
On the down side, Olivia's growing awareness of the outside world makes her far less patient with long car rides, confined to her seat without much to do. Gone are the days where she could sleep through an entire outing, leaving us nothing to do but gaze at her angelic, slumbering face.
Still, we fared well, trading off baby-appeasement duty in the back seat. I see more road trips in our future.
Oh, and let's not forget misson burritos at La Cumbre. They say they're the creators of this San Francisco treat, though I've since learned the claim is disputed. Never mind the history, the burritos were delicious.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Portland to San Francisco, Carmel and Back!
Chris & Olivia in Maxwell, CA, the site of our imaginary cafe in the middle of nowhere.
Olivia in our hotel in San Francisco.
Investigating acorns at a rest stop along the way.
Olivia's new favorite toy, a frog we named Dr. Katz, pondering the parking lot in SF.
At Fisherman's Warf in S.F. Chris is thrilled.
That's Alcatraz behind us.
In Carmel: Olivia, obviously impressed with the grandness of the ocean.
The reason for the trip: The wedding of my step-brother Casey & Lauren.
At the reception at Holman Ranch in Carmel.
The babies.
Olivia & Ava.
And what a wonderful homecoming after a 15-hour drive: my sunflowers bloomed!
Oh, and Olivia's two bottom teeth finally came in! Yeah! So cute.