Sam sleeps in his Captain America costume. Alisa bought it for $5 at a thrift store and added some fabric to the waist so
it would fit. It's been through innumerable washes and is pretty ragged around the edges, but he loves it dearly
and wears it daily. Olivia also likes to wear her hero costume occasionally and joins in our superhero games as
Doggy Girl or Kitty Girl, but for Sam superheroes are almost a religion. He can name all of the Avengers and
is familiar with many of their origins. He has a reference book of Marvel characters that he likes to have read
to him in lieu of bedtime stories. He loves to play superhero games, which he calls "badguy games," possibly because
he has some confusion about the roles of superheroes and villains, but I like to think is because he uses the word
"bad" to mean "good" in accordance with street vernacular.
Whatever the case, I try to emphasize the helpful and noble nature of superheroes when we play our games. Captain America
assists in returning helpless stuffed animals and toys to their homes at cleanup time. He uses his considerable strength
to lift great cushions off the floor and return them to the couches. Captain America shares with his sister. He poops in
the potty, not in his costume.
Then, of course, there is the wrestling and play fighting that goes along with any super role-play. I can't resist playing
the role of Hulk on a rampage, lumbering and smashing my way around the house as Captain America knocks be down with his
cardboard shield and Kitty Girl pounces. It does take me back.