Friday, December 4, 2015

Heroes and Villains

Sam sleeps in his Captain America costume. Alisa bought it for $5 at a thrift store and added some fabric to the waist so
it would fit. It's been through innumerable washes and is pretty ragged around the edges, but he loves it dearly
and wears it daily. Olivia also likes to wear her hero costume occasionally and joins in our superhero games as
Doggy Girl or Kitty Girl, but for Sam superheroes are almost a religion. He can name all of the Avengers and
is familiar with many of their origins. He has a reference book of Marvel characters that he likes to have read
to him in lieu of bedtime stories. He loves to play superhero games, which he calls "badguy games," possibly because
he has some confusion about the roles of superheroes and villains, but I like to think is because he uses the word
"bad" to mean "good" in accordance with street vernacular.

Whatever the case, I try to emphasize the helpful and noble nature of superheroes when we play our games. Captain America
assists in returning helpless stuffed animals and toys to their homes at cleanup time. He uses his considerable strength
to lift great cushions off the floor and return them to the couches. Captain America shares with his sister. He poops in
the potty, not in his costume.

Then, of course, there is the wrestling and play fighting that goes along with any super role-play. I can't resist playing
the role of Hulk on a rampage, lumbering and smashing my way around the house as Captain America knocks be down with his
cardboard shield and Kitty Girl pounces. It does take me back.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sleeping Sammy

Someday very soon Sammy will tell me to please stop photographing him while he's sleeping. But until then...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Positive thinking

"I am special just the way I am."
"Olivia-- A caring girl who doesn't care when it's raining... A girl who has a caring heart... A girl who loves a chicken named Maeve."

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sammy's first day of preschool

Walking to school, it was bittersweet. 

Such a big day, Sammy's first day at Little Lights Playschool. I didn't cry...I wanted to cry that my baby's growing up, but I kept it cool. His favorite part was snack time and meeting friends. I am so happy that he gets to experience this sweet little school. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Circus performer

Olivia has been showing her fearlessness this summer. First, I heard from her aunties how Olivia traversed a three-story high tightrope at Great Wolf Lodge. Then her goal of becoming an otter at swimming lessons was realized after she tried and tried and tried to learn to float on her back. After weeks of trying, she did it. And with aplomb, she said, "it's because I tried really hard, Mom."

There was a song I sang to her every night when she was a baby: "Trapeze," by Patty Griffith. I always wondered if the girl in the song would be the kind of woman Olivia might grow up to be like. In some really amazing ways she has.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sammy is three!

Sammy turned three on Sunday. He's officially a preschooler and not a baby or toddler anymore. What a sweet little guy he continues to be. Even when he's recreating a ferocious fight between a lion and cheetah, ther comes a time when some critter gets hurt and Sammy nurtures them back to health. He is getting more and more into super heroes, his dad's influence, I am sure: 
He and Olivia play dress up every day and I am so glad he has such a great guide. Olivia has a rich creative vocabulary and helps him cultivate his different "identities" from Spidey to kitty to dead slug. As much as these two fight, there is an equal amount of love. 
Pretty soon it will be time for this little guy to start preschool. BUT, we still have a few weeks left of summer. Here are some of my fave moments with Sammy in a few of the places we've been this summer: 
The zoo train:
Puget Sound:
Ketchikan, Alaska
Whale Pass, Alaska (Grandpa's house)

Love this guy!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Raising a boy

Sammy and I spend lots of time just running errands and going to the coffee shop. It's fun just hanging out with him but it's also good for him to be around people and to work on manners. But, he's still 2 1/2, he's not on his best behavior 100% of the time. (Who is?) 

Last week we were at Target and having promised Sam that we would look at toys as soon as we picked some new sheets, I needed to distract him. Aha! A price scanner on the end cap! He pushed the buttons and scanned things. A few moments peace. But, an employee (older lady) called out, "It's not a toy!"

I looked at her hoping for understanding or something. And then I got it: This is what the world is for little boys. They are chided and shot down for doing what comes naturally. I have the benefit of having gone through this age with Olivia and it was different. In a world controlled by women which is, let's be real, the world occupied by young children, is guided by expectations that girls can meet. Be quiet, sit down, obey. 

I felt bad for Sammy's little spirit. The same thing happened at Portland Nursery yesterday. Sam was playing with a water fountain in 85 degree weather, not bothering anyone. An employee (older woman) came by and said he couldn't do that. "It will wear out." The fountain will wear out because a toddler is putting his hand in the water. Wtf?

I am very conscious of Sammy's behavior in public and obviously don't let him act like a turd out there. But I won't allow the world to kill his little spirit.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Olivia Artwork

Olivia's writing and drawing has really taken off. We can hardly keep up with the paper supply required. Some of her writing is about something that happened immediately before and her feelings about it.
Usually it has to do with fighting with Sam. She also writes about being a Nature Fairy, school friends, how much she loves her dad, etc. The act of writing and drawing is therapeutic for her and also very entertaining for us. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Princess Cats

For the "I wish I could make art like my kid" category.

Princess Cats

Flower Balloons


Monday, April 27, 2015


Daddy, what if life was like this: what if you could take your eyeballs out and throw them to another person. And then the other person could take their eyeballs out and throw them to you, and then catch your eyeballs. And they could just keep throwing and catching and throwing and catching.

Could you still see through your eyes while they were up in the air?


That would be great if life was like that.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015