When I asked Chris what he might want to write for Olivia's 2 years & 11 months post, he said, "This kid is driving me crazy!"
Let's be honest folks, this is is a tough age. The desire to accomplish things far exceeds ability and parents' patience. Take for instance, shoes. She wants to put on her own shoes and socks but can't get her feet in either. The entire enterprise ends with screaming tears and thrown shoes and Mommy and Daddy looking on with absolutely no idea what to do. There were a few days where everything (and I do mean everything) caused Olivia to hit the closest thing possible in fits of frustrated rage. This prompted me to to establish three house rules, that would seem obvious to everyone but evidently not if you are 2.11 years old. The rules are: No hitting, no throwing, no yelling. Seems pretty easy to follow? Let's just say there were many time-outs and many repeats of our house mantra, no hitting, no throwing, no yelling...
On the other hand, Miss O can be such a love. How can you not love that sweet little face?! The other day she walked over to her dad who was bent over, putting on his shoes. She put her hand on his back and said, "You're a good guy." She's loving and considerate and calls every new kid she meets her "friend." She loves to sing the songs we've learned at story time, she likes to read her books and magazines, she'll invent dialog when the television is on mute or when she's set up a scene involving her dolls and critters. She even told me recently,"Mama, you are my best friend because you are very helpful snapping my shoe." In other words, she's a joy to behold when she's in a good mood.
I told Chris that I just think it's the terrible twos last hurrah.
God I hope so.