(Sorry that this is a day late, we were at the beach as you can see.)
This has been quite a busy month! At the beginning of July, we went to my hometown, Philomath, Oregon for my 20-year high school reunion. While we were there, Olivia got to see her first rodeo. I thought maybe it would be too scary for her--the fast horses, the throwing of the calves to the ground, etc., but she loved it.

She took to country life pretty easy, actually. She was kind of obsessed with the tractors at the Philomath Frolic.

Chris and I both fantasize about moving to the country, living off the grid, buying goats and making cheese... We would love for Olivia to grow up with a familiarity and love of the outdoors that rural living fosters, but alas, I think we (the grown-ups) would get bored after a while. But, it makes me happy to show Olivia where I was raised and let her experience the truly simple pleasures of small town life.
Another adventure this month was our annual all-girl trip to the beach. It was super-fun with cousins Franny, Hazel, Ava & Elena, Grandma and aunties. Olivia's favorite part seemed to be blowing bubbles with Franny and playing in the pools created during low tide with Elena.

Besides our travels, Olivia's been growing and changing every day. She makes up games for us to play, for instance today, she took toys away from me and then I had to cry and she gave them back. (I didn't say they were particularly interesting games.) Her games seem to mirror things she's having trouble with in other parts of her life, like when she has to share her toys. She also takes her Little Critters and has them talk to each other and likes to organize them in little scenes, like all in bed or sitting at their tables. She's probably 75% understandable in her everyday conversation which makes all of us much less irritable.
2.7 is awesome.