Almost two!
Miss Olivia is full of words and many many feelings. She sees and hears things all day long and tells me about them. When we went downtown to the library, she saw a white glass lamp and pointed to it and said, "moon!" Sounds are very interesting to her too, she'll stop whatever she's doing and point to her ear and announce the source of whatever sound she hears: bird! big truck! train! She's also enjoying singing, especially the alphabet song which she can sing all the way through, though L-P sounds more like "lemon na na pee."
Her favorite book right now is the Ponyo comic, she especially likes the drawing of Ponyo kissing the baby's face. Ponyo is also her favorite movie and go to entertainment in moments of parental ineptitude. She loves animals, especially penguins and hippos and has a growing menagerie of small plastic animals in her toy collection.
Like many toddlers, Miss Olivia can be a bit of a tyrant. She has no problem telling us, "That's enough!" especially when she sees her parents hugging.
Next month will be very exciting with her birthday and Christmas as she becomes a full-fledged two-year-old.