Yesterday was our third wedding anniversary and I am amazed at how my life has changed in the past four years that Chris and I have been together. I'm not plagued by indecision, anxiety, and this sort of gnawing unhappiness that previously clouded my day to day--like I was a victim of my own life. Rather, after much contemplation (not to mention three years of therapy) I have a clearer sense of purpose. And how blessed am I to have found such an incredible person to share my life with.

As for Olivia in her twentieth month, it's all learning, all the time. She's very into distinguishing what is hers and yours, Mama's water, Daddy's phone, etc. Thankfully, once an item (or place on the couch) is designated as someone else's, she's satisfied with that. All of this talking, running, playing, and thinking also makes her very tired. We're slowly moving to one long nap a day, though I really enjoy two naps (so that I can take one too!). Btu she's sleeping later in the morning, sometimes until 6:30 am! I can't tell you what a difference an hour's sleep does to the attitudes in this family.