There's been a lot of singing in the house lately. Olivia likes to sing the last part of "Wheels on the Bus" and the peanut butter song, and then recently she's enjoyed the "Please and Thank You" song from Yo Gabba Gabba ("please thank you, please thank you, please thank you, magic magic magic magic!"). Pretty much everything we say she'll try to repeat (curse words and all).
She's definitely a whirlwind of energy and activity--she's listening, reading, and exploring constantly. And it's great and wonderful, and...EXHAUSTING for her old parents. But, some days there are long stretches where she finds an activity that keeps her occupied, like her books, beads, and new legos.
After dinner every night, we go for a bike ride to the playground or the fountain at the park. She's becoming braver each time we go and now doesn't mind having water splashed on her face or getting completely drenched. In fact, water is her friend at the pool, in the sprinkler or at the park.
19 months is pretty awesome.