Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Swimming pool adventure!
Our first swimming pool adventure! Here's Olivia in her suit & robe, ready to go to the pool.
I'm waiting...
Yeah! Let me go so I can begin splashing wildly:
Let's see what mommy looks like really, really close-up.
All that splashing really took it out of me. I just need a little time with Daddy.
Getting ready to get back in the water. But first, let me show you how well I stand.
Let's go!!!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Adventures in Sleep Training

8:02 pm Put Olivia to bed asleep. Wakes up immediately upon hitting the crib mattress. Starts fussing and crying. Set timer for 5 min to give her time to self-soothe.
8:07 She’s kinda fussing, I try to ignore.
8:09 Still fussing. Go in & give a kiss & hand her the glowing-belly Sherbert doll. Still fussing. Leave room.
8:16 Go in & give a kiss & give her the glowing belly Sherbert. Leave room.
8:23 Kinda fussing & playing with her toes.
8:25 Go in & give a kiss & push her Sherbert with a little more insistence. Leave room. Pour myself a large glass of wine. Where’s your father?
8:33 Go in & give a kiss. Sherbert’s out of batteries and sounds spooky. Pick up Olivia & walk around her room. Crying slightly decreases. Leave room.
8:34 Watch Saturday Night Live skits on computer. Can still hear her crying.
8:42 Serious crying. Maybe she’s teething? Give her some Baby Tylenol. Swaddle her like a burrito.
8:50 Crying not subsiding. Make a bottle and feed her. Falls asleep immediately.
9:06 Asleep.
So, no soothing to speak of and she went to sleep with a bottle in my arms anyway... I guess we'll try again tomorrow...
Monday, June 22, 2009
6 Months!
Today was Olivia's six month check up and she seems to be doing stellar. She's 27 1/2 inches (90% percentile) and 17lbs 2oz (75% percentile). Our pediatrician, Dr. Carol, says those are supermodel stats. Dr. Carol was also very pleased at Olivia's engaging little personality and her developmental progress. It seems that all of the things that vex us (the high-pitched yelling, grabbing at anything within range, blowing raspberries and overall wiggliness) are all excellent when you are a 6-month-old baby. Even though we do the best we can, it's still very nice to hear that we're doing a great job from Dr. Carol.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I sing two songs that Olivia likes: Shortin' Bread and The Banana Boat Song (Day-O!). Well, maybe three if you count Itsy, Bitsy Spider, but I think the appeal there is mostly in the hand motions.
When it comes to calming her down, Shortin' Bread works every time. I throw in Banana Boat for a little variety, and believe me, variety is sorely needed. I'm dedicating a little time today to expanding my repertoire. I've tried to hone in on what it is those two songs have in common. My best guess is an upbeat tempo and lyrics that fill up lots of space. Who can say what makes them so babytastic?
Next up: Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, You are my Sunshine
When it comes to calming her down, Shortin' Bread works every time. I throw in Banana Boat for a little variety, and believe me, variety is sorely needed. I'm dedicating a little time today to expanding my repertoire. I've tried to hone in on what it is those two songs have in common. My best guess is an upbeat tempo and lyrics that fill up lots of space. Who can say what makes them so babytastic?
Next up: Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, You are my Sunshine
Monday, June 15, 2009
Farmer's Market
Friday, June 12, 2009
At the park & at play
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Our mover and shaker

Miss Olivia is mobile. Well, not exactly--she's mastered rolling front to back and back to front and recently found that she can scoot herself forward by doing the Centipede. It's all very cute and very scary. Chris really needs to get the house baby-proofed. Like yesterday.
But that doesn't mean she doesn't love her sleep. (See above.)
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